
The Woman in Me (Needs the Man in You)


06-14-2014, 08:24 PM

Kar was moving alongside Nalyda, glad that they were able to stand on their own again. He had taken some time, during her period of being treated, to go seek out Zanire... Twice. The first time had not gone so well... And the second time the brute had been unable to find the female bear he had befriended. Her scent was gone, and panic filled him. He had searched, but no sign of the bear could be found. With winter set in he couldn?t believe that she wasn?t here... He was heartbroken. Zanire had been the only family that he had known... And she was gone now. Sure he had Nalyda... But losing one of them had come at a great emotional cost to the brute.

He felt conflicted as he followed Nalyda, ears perking as he looked towards her. He would give a soft whine, pressing his body lightly against her own as she licked the blood from her wounded paw pad. ?Are you alright...?? He asked softly. He was endlessly worried about her, even after being treated for her wounds. Once Nalyda was able to move again Kar would give her just a bit of space, though he remained close. The male bore scars over his right eye, though luckily the lens had been spared, so he could still see. Still, it had been a scary ordeal.

Soon the other smell of blood that had been scented would become clear. A small herd of deer, slaughtered, save for a single fawn. He would give a sigh, glancing to where the small creature had run off to hide. Kar would give a soft sigh, looking to Nalyda. ?I don?t know... Perhaps some of those infected by the epidemic had attacked the herd... There is a bit of sickness scent, though the deer themselves don?t seem to be infected. As for the fawn... It is terrible to say but... We?re probably going to have to kill it as well. It won?t survive alone, and a we certainly can?t raise it...? He would lower his gaze. ?I wish there was some other way... But any other deer we tried to introduce it to would likely shun it... If we don?t... It?ll likely just starve to death or get picked off by some other predator...? He had come to respect other species more since getting to know Zanire, and had truthfully fed a lot more on fish since then. Ears would lower as he glanced back to Nalyda, waiting to see what she would say.

Speech, Thought