
We Arrive


06-14-2014, 08:49 PM

This, Kau decided, would be the place that they settled. It was far enough from his old home that Kau felt satisfied that they could begin a new here, start a new life, and shape a new story. The true reason Kau had denounced his claim to the Kedieo Clan throne, was for Avion, whether the other knew it or not. It was not the sort of land, the sort of place the massive male wanted for his love or himself, and so he set off, calling Avion away, and leaving it all behind. He cared deeply for the smaller male, even if he didn?t outwardly show it often, or around others.

Purple hues would turn back towards the young male who followed him, authority in his voice as he spoke. ?We will be remaining here, Avion. This mountain will be our home.? He would take a few pawsteps, massive body moving up next to his mate. He would give a light lick on the back of Avion?s ear, looking around with a flick of his tail. ?Do you believe you will mange here?? The question that might have seemed very sweet and caring came out a bit harder, but that was simply how Kau was. Fawning over his mate had never been needed before, and showing truly gentle emotion was foreign to him.
