


06-14-2014, 10:01 PM

She indulges in the abhorrence of the red queen?s lingering gaze and feels the woman?s scorn scathing her taut flesh from meters away; and yet, the former tyrant is deterred little by the disdainful reputation she has earned by thieving the aspiring omnipotent?s daughter only days prior. She is so undaunted by this scarlet challenger that she offers the woman the wry and upward turn of her frayed lips, slavering incisors flashing dangerously in a forced grin that the paladin adorns with the intent to infuriate. Oh, how the wraith yearns to instigate those fueled by undeserving arrogance; however, she knows that this red queen will be far too preoccupied in her attempts to thieve a secondary crown from the frail hands of an elder to regard her threatening presence any further. No--their time to battle is for another day, and one that Artemis feels will come far sooner than later.

His malice is tangible and his aggravation obvious, though the Elysius deity still seeks to briefly press her left shoulder against his right in a display of affection meant for brother and sister as he slinks along her side. His seething words are met with a concurring grunt, though her attention briefly wavers from the battle at hand as her cryptic gaze seeks to interlock with his own carmine, amusement gleaming beneath her eyes. ?So are we,? she murmurs with a knowing smirk, a soft chortle streaming from velveteen lips as her pupils search again for the fight. And yet, as her fiendish sibling?s whispers fall upon her ears ( inflating her ego in the process ), her attention diverts away from the bloodshed once more, falling upon the russet temptress ( sibelle ) adorning the sidelines rather than her own kin. ?I need to prove nothing to her, Cerberus,? she remarks pointedly, though her gaze is set firmly upon she who occupies the Elysius throne. After a prolonged moment of silent scrutiny, the paladin refrains from her staring, pupils choosing to instead scan the crowd that has gathered for the gory spectacle.

?But this crowd--this crowd came for a show; who would I be to deny them one??

? ? ? ? ? --- exeunt artemis