
Bringing Family Together

Eirik I


3 Years
06-14-2014, 10:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken actually leaving the mountain for Eirik to feel a slight sense of loss over it. Neither parent had outright said it, but it felt as if this trip to visit his great aunt's pack was going to change things for them, and though life at Mount Volkan had been calm and overall uneventful it had been...comfortable. He had no complaints about his time there, even carried with him some memories that he planned to keep close - particularly one involving a leopard - and knew in the back of his mind that it was not gone from him entirely. It would be right where they left it.

He found as he traveled with his family that despite the little sense of homesickness he was actually quite excited for the trip as well. It helped having the whole of his family close, mother, father, sisters, so that really when he thought about it there was little he was leaving behind and so much more to gain. He had been much too young to understand just what he had been missing when he left Valhalla, trading pack life for life as a rogue, but the prospect of seeing how a pack was, appearance, structure, and otherwise intrigued him. And if he stuck around Warja enough he was sure to be introduced to even more interesting things that he had not even thought about.

In what felt like very little time, they were where their aunt had claimed her pack and his father was calling to let those within know they had visitors. A glance at his smallest sister told him easily enough that she was already scouting out the interesting parts of the place, and for a moment he even thought she might give way to curiosity and set off on her own. But she stayed, and good thing too. Maia arrived, looking...larger than he remembered, but she smiled and greeted them nicely so he smiled and nodded his head politely in response. It was nice to see a familiar face on their arrival. He hoped the rest of the visit, at least all the beginning formalities that required him to stick around, would go as well.