
Arcanum Hunt: A code of duty and honor


04-30-2014, 12:55 PM
Next round ends May 10th, 2014 and all members who have posted in this thread must post to qualify for the reward of feasting on the prey.

This is the chasing and attacking round.

[Image: BICRzLg.png]

I deliver justice like a jaguar; without mercy

The woman was very stubborn and irritated to hear one of the prisoners say that she could not hunt well. "If you are here only to eat and not participate then leave." She hissed almost silently to the woman who had spoken loud enough to possibly startle the prey. Kaneyna worked her way to the front of the chasing line as she narrowed her eyes. She was targeting the two eldest deer as they appeared to have the least amount of speed. She looked back briefly, making sure everyone was in their spot before signalling to her team to rush forward. The woman watched as the deer started to scatter and she cut off the weakest. She kept biting whenever it (the one that she was working on driving towards the attackers) started to go astray from the path that she wanted it to go.

She was down one more wolf it appeared (as she did not check to see if Pandia would leave or not) and it irritated her more. They show up for fighting but food isn't important to them? She'd talk to the monarch, Cat, after the hunt was done as both the heir to Arcanum and the primary monarch had shown up. Perhaps she could do something about it as well. She continued to snap her jaws to drive one of the bull elk towards the attackers. They had better not screw up.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by ELSA