


04-30-2014, 02:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2014, 12:14 PM by Wael.)

can you tell me where i am

name: Ballad Destruction

litter: The litter with 2 year olds.

gender: Female

alignment: Lawful Good


Ballad, unlike her name, hates anything to do with what normal female wolves her age would like, which, to most wolves, is the wolves of the opposite gender who don't have a mate. She loves to hunt, and will not give up unless she has a reason to, or if something else is bothering her so much that she decides to stop. From day one, once she was old enough to hunt, Ballad got her right hind paw wounded badly, and it twisted sideways a little, so she walks like that. Even though Ballad has this disability, and she was always a fighter from birth, defending herself from her father. And, even through the fights she had to fight, Ballad tried her best to be as nice to other wolves as she could, except for one thing. She is very grouchy at times, and she can snap at any of her siblings at any time, if they bother her too much about her injured paw, which she hates. Ballad thinks that she doesn't belong in the spotlight just for being a fighter, and so she tries to avid things like that as best as she could. She is determined to keep up with her siblings in any journey they make, from the journey from their homeland to any other one. She tries her best to prove herself, and she hopes that they won't find her useless. Deep down, even though she hides it, Ballad's greatest fear is probably the one of being a burden to her family.

Ballad, even though she has a disability, tries to protect her family the best she can, but sometimes, she will stand back, and let herself be protected by her family, instead. The young wolf is loyal to her family, to the point of dying, and her favorite sibling, even through all of them, is her older brother, Series, because they are the closest in personality.The girl can be very agressive, and, along with dying, if a wolf was trying to kill her family, even though she wouldn't like it a bit, Ballad would kill the other wolf. But she wouldn't make it slow; she would try to make it as fast and painless as she could find possible. She is a determined wolf, and she loves to swim, even though her injured paw hurts if she hits it against a rock that has something.


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RP sample:
A soft growl resonated within her through as Ballad watched her father move closer to her, a snarl on his face and his eyes narrowed in anger. The white girl watched as he moved closer, and she narrowed her eyes and moved her newly injured paw out of the way. "And......Who are you to get injured so badly, when it isn't me who injured you? When it was the one wolf you thought was your only friend?" Something within her made her angry at these words, and she moved to her full height quickly, her eyes burning with a silent fire. Adrenaline snapped at her face, and Ballad moved back quickly, before a soft snarl rumbled in her throat, and then she was moving towards him. Fangs flashed, and Ballad felt pain go through her body as her father dug his claws into her injured paw, which she had forgot to move out of the way. The white girl blinked once, and, when her eyes opened again, her father was growling in her ear softly. "Let's not make a fool of ourselves here, my daughter. Or else your paw might be injured even more." As if he was proving his point, Adrenaline sunk his claws deeper into Ballad's paw, making the girl growl in anger and pain, as she struggled to get up.

"You were never my father. You were only an imposter all along, because no father of mine would inflict pain on me like that, and you did. You are nothing but a sickening wolf, and you deserve the death you get. You disgust me with your actions, and I hope that a son or daughter kills you." Ballad spat at him, her fur bristling as he released her paw.

Truthfully, Ballad hadn't known she had been capable of being so cold, and her own eyes widened as she looked up at her father from her spot on the ground. Adrenaline glared down at her, and he moved to sink his claws into her paw again, but then growled and walked away. Ballad struggled to her paws, her white chest heaving in anger and pain, and finally, she closed her eyes, letting out a soft growl before almost deciding to attack her father. But the good side of the girl rose against her anger, and she stood still, her claws digging into the ground. Her paw was bleeding badly from the injuries that her father, no, Adrenaline, inflicted on her, and she licked her paw gently. "I hate you, Adrenaline."

" Hey, Ballad, are you okay? That looked painful. I can't believe you said that."

Ballad turned around, only to see her older brother, Series, in front of her, his amber eyes widened in shock and a little fear for his youngest sister. Ballad wagged her tail twice, and licked her paws a few times before raising her white head to answer, her eyes narrowing as she spoke to him. "Well, I'm actually not okay. My paw hurts really bad, but I might go visit the healer, and it'll probably heal anyways." She said softly, and Series dipped his head in response and walked away, before Ballad hesitated and called out to him, begging for his company. "Actually, Series, do you think you could come to the healer with me?" Series dipped his head and headed back, wagging his tail.