
Whispering Memories



8 Years
04-30-2014, 04:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 04:28 PM by Nalyda.)
Nalyda looked to the brute with her crimson gaze shifting forward to look into his lime green orbs. He started talking about his past to her, and she was happy that he was beginning to trust her to say things that were on his chest. Though, when he talked, she was saddened by the loss of his friends, and when he was spouting words out to her, she could see a few bits of embarrassment creeping in his tone. The fae nudged his cheek with her snout lightly to show that she was there for him.

"I'm sorry that that happened to you friends. But, they are never gone from you forever. They are inside of you, watching you from where the sky is. I'm sure that one day you will see them again. Her eyes stayed focused on him as she showed sadness yet reassurance in her voice. She looked to the sky and thought about her life.

"I had lost many friends that I cared about too Kar. I don't have many friends here in Alactitia, but, I have met a few. But, you were the most closest friends that I have ever had, Kar. Iused to have a sister too, but she was killed when I was a bit older. I lost my entire pack too. My mother died a month after giving birth to my brother, and he was so weak that he died a couple days after my mother gave birth to him. Even though he was weak and very young, I always tried to get close with him and work things out with him since he was so small. My father was killed by another wolf right in front of me."

Sadness came over the fae as she spoke her feelings to the brute. She liked Kar a lot, and hoped that Zanire would approve of them being together. The smoke smell that erupted from the earth came into her nostrils. Lightning had struck down in a few places, but nowhere near them which she was thankful for,

"Kar, when this storm goes away, there is a place that I remember that you might like to see. It is around here, even though I have not seen the cave before. It is welcoming, and is something that always brings me to tranquility and to be calm." She spoke as her crimson orbs looked back into his emerald ones, waiting for a reply from him to see if he was willing to come with her.