


04-28-2013, 10:31 AM

Ghost had regained some semblance of sanity. She was rocky, her mind often lapsing into dull conversations that would leave her docile and motionless for hours at a time but the lapse of time between this bouts and the time she lingered within them were slowly waning... would they return? She knew not. Segar, Segar was helping her. He was amazing, he went above and beyond for her. Coiled around her when bouts of madness took her mind. Cooed to her sweet nothings, brought her meals, and in the back stages of her pregnancy when her belly grew too large for her to do much at all he had done most everything he could for her. The love she felt for him swelled her chest.

Her night had been restless, crazed, her stomach had tangled itself in knots and minor pains had kept her up most of the night. Come morning she had managed to drift off into a fit full sleep, Segar coiled tightly around her, his head keeping her swollen body tucked into his, but when she had awoken from a sharp pain in her belly he was gone, more than likely out to get breakfast and suddenly everything clicked into place and the voices fell quiet. Even they seemed to realize this task would take all of her strength. Panic settled briefly in her mind, afraid that she couldn't do this, at least not alone.

Her maw would fall open in a desperate call, a howl, a scream for Segar. She needed him here, he was her backbone, had been for far too long. Her eyes clenched shut as contractions racked her frame. This would take time, she knew this would be no easy battle but she was eternally grateful when Segar arrived, she offered him his name in a breathless, pained tone and softly licked his cheek, she needed to apologize to him for so many things.

Hours ticked by, straining, whining, crying as the pain in her abdomen intensified. Her nostrils flared, claws scraping against the stones and rocks as the contractions grew closer and closer together. She needed no Seracian, only Segar. he would give her the strength, the prowess she needed. She could do this, for him, for her, for the life that so heavily depended on her. A cry left her larynx, silver eyes gleaming with pain as the contractions tore through her one after another, she pushed and pushed and pushed and finally the first was made born.

Instinctively she coiled around, her eyes widening as she saw the missing limb. A cry ,a desperate plea tore from her larynx as she bathed him, licking him clean, soft cries and whines vacating her, what had happened? Had her madness done this? Guilt gnawed away at her heart before it faded, it mattered little, he was perfect, gorgeous in her eyes. "Talon." She murmured softly, budging him over to one of her nipples before another contraction blindsided her and she was forced to lay back down. She strained and her chest heaved but the second came to being. Her heart relaxed as she was crying, happy, healthy and whole. A tan color, with a russet back, she was stunning gorgeous, she licked her clean and guided her to her abdomen, her head careening back to her lover.

"Name her beloved. You have more than earned the right." The word was cut off in a sharp, keening whine as another contraction smashed into her abdomen. Finally, finally, finally, the third made itself born, and the unbearable pressure upon her belly vanished. For a moment she was too exhausted to move, but she forced herself to curl around, to cleanse her lost puppy and guide the tiny female to a nipple. She was pale, more Ghost's colors than Segar's but absolutely stunning, her dad was still highly visible in her. Ghost slumped against Segar, exhausted and quivering in her exertion as the pups suckled greedily from her teats. "Mist... Mist will be her name. I love you Segar, I'm so sorry I've been so weak." She murmured against his neck, gray eyes fluttering shut as she tried to control her runaway heart.
