
Where Can I Go From Here?



2 Years
04-30-2014, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 07:44 PM by Crucifix.)

?Shit? The dark hued boy hissed as the figure slid into the embrace of the sea. He knew in a moment who it was he laid eyes upon, what he could not understand was the condition this being was in. The sweet, but surprisingly strong and wise Day of the past was a far cry from this miserable being he saw now. It was with shock that Crucifix watched, watched him fall against the water. But in a moment Cru was bounding forward, his stride swallowed the beach as it had once before in the presence of the other boy. However in this moment it was not with joy, it was not to chase the sun, but to chase the tide. He bounded on until his paws touched water, and the autumn chill of it hit him. He did not however stop here, but pounced the gentle lapping waves that kissed the shore.

For a heart-breaking second the shape of the boy was lost to him, swallowed by the great expanse of open water, was that a flash of brown? he couldn?t second guess himself, he couldn?t stop. On he went, thrashing through the water until he was upon the other. His unconscious body was limp against the waves, and the thundering of Cru?s heart spoke his terror for this boy. Then his jaws where clamped upon the scruff of his neck. Thank the gods this boy is small he huffed in thought as he twisted his head and jaw and half threw Day?s head and forepaws over Cru?s shoulders. Then, with the weight of the boy upon him his movement to shore was a little less jerky then his entry. Still with speed in his step, his paws touched dry land and he was gently heaving the boy off his back. In the safety of dry land he would roll Day onto his back and push gently on his stomach to dispel any water that might have reached his lungs. He listened, through the pounding of his own heart for the sound of breath from Day. If the world could take this sweet creature, Cru did not think he could keep faith with it.

"My sounds""My Soul"