
Where Can I Go From Here?



04-30-2014, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 08:12 PM by Dayton.)

The darkness was sweet.

As Dayton let his consciousness drift away, he was distantly aware of cold water all around him. He dreamed that his entire body was filled with the liquid, and he could feel the numbing sensations of it entering his nose and ears. It even seemed to creep down his throat and trickle into his lungs. Eventually, he thought, I'll be weighed down with water.He could imagine his fragile body sinking to the bottom of this murky pond, never to be seen again. But in his mind, he was still laughing. It was amusing, really. All of these strange feelings with pain so far gone, what could have brought him down in that moment?

In the end, though, it wasn't exactly something that brought him down. Something brought him up. But it was someone, his savior, an angelic being that had come to bring him to eternity. As his sanity clicked back into place, it all made sense. The fool had allowed himself to pass out in a pond. How stupid could he be? And now he was dead. Misha was left alone forever. This would kill her.

This would kill both of them.

Then the light started to return. It was small at first - a flicker, really. As if someone had lit a candle in a dark room. Then it swelled, bringing with it the feeling of clear lungs. His breaths came desperately now, and water dribbled from his lips unto the damp sand. The sand. Water. He could feel these things, and he was still alive. What kind of miracle was this? His shocked amber gaze flew every which way, searching for the one who had saved him from such a tragic death. His eyes spotted the dark cross first. Then he stared into a pair of amethyst eyes. "Crucifix?" he croaked, his voice shattered and breathless. "Am I... still alive? Did you..." He fell into an awful coughing fit, shivering under the sudden blast of cold air. Dayton was chilled to the bone, his body made even smaller by the way his fur clung to his spare figure. Now he started to shiver again, but not from fright or insanity. His mind was fully functioning again. But damn, it was cold...
