
Pack Hunt (:

Aria I


04-28-2013, 11:04 AM
She had been enjoying her stay here, Ludicael was nice. A wolf was free to do whatever they liked really, as long as the members did not put the pack in danger, let the Sol know if you took a mate and if you were bringing pups into the world. Aria did not have to worry but any of those, she was not the type to make enemies, always looking to make friends whenever possible. And when it came to a mate, nothing. The shewolf just wasn't looking and didn't really care about on. It wasn't on her list of priorities, just serving and protecting her pack, her family. This was also why she had no pups, just didn't find the right guy yet.

She shook her head with a smirk, she wasn't out here to lose herself in those thoughts. Aria ha been here and there, spending most her week in the packlands but a third of the time she would stray outside the borders. Today thought she stood within the borders, standing just a few yards from the forest bhind her. A hunt was why she was here, looking forward to a small pack event before they went to Seracia for an alliance event.

The shewolf rose her head to the clear sky, jaws parted and with a deep breath she exhaled, releasing her song into the air, calling for her pack mates. She held her head up even after she let her song go, eyes closed and smile on her lips, ears swiveling to catch the howl roll across the land. She hoped the others would like to come join her, maybe bring down a good sized animal with their teamwork. Yes, that sounded nice. With that thought in mind she reopened her eyes, emerald orbs staring off into Ludicael land, watching the camp though she could not actually see it from here. Waiting with head held high and a smile on her lips, she was in a good mood.