
I Know



3 Years
Extra large
05-03-2014, 05:32 AM

The talk it seemed would be short, Kismet after all was hardly making it an easy or pleasant conversation and it seemed Eris was accepting how difficult the boy was at the moment and would be willing to leave him in peace, turning away with a pause to add a few more final words. For starters the boy hadn't ever assumed anything about the role of a healer or any duty for that matter within a pack. All he'd known was the easy life of a child Epsilon in Valhalla and now this one of a prisoner. So far with the rest of the pack so busy it had hardly been a difficult life really, though it certainly wasn't one that he wanted to keep forever.

A death warrant? To be honest he hadn't really thought of the vaster consequences of he and Soren actually escaping, he certainly didn't wish to bring trouble to Valhalla either but they had to get out at some point. Perhaps politics were tricky, he had no idea but all the same why was it taking so long? He longed to know, but any excuse probably wouldn't do for Soren now, early on he'd been convinced that maybe Valhalla simply didn't care about them. As for Isardis, if he was just going to let them go what was the point in having them brought here in the first place?

And finally that offer for help if he needed it. He didn't thank her, or comment upon it at all, but silently he would keep it in mind. Mismatched eyes would watch her for a moment, his gaze slightly softer than when they had started, perhaps the only sign of gratefulness that the boy was able to offer right now. Without another word though, he would now turn his own back on Eris and leave, most likely to find his brother.