
A frozen Waste


02-09-2013, 10:21 AM
Thane listened to the bird as he spoke once more.

"Further ahead the snow is deep due to the snow last night. You two will have to walk or wade through it. I must say the snow is about a foot or two further down the ways.

Than twitched his white lined ear as he then looked over to Ookami and nuzzled her back.

"If you have any trouble you may always step in my footsteps when th esnow gets to deep."

"разведку вперед (scout ahead)" Thane said briskly to Cyril

He wanted to get moving so they woud hopefully reach a forest and then regroup from there while trying to find someone from their pack at least. Thane wondered when this disaster would end with all of the wolves scattered about. He shook his head but was then lucky that he had found Ookami and Cyril found them.HE felt responsible for them in a way so that they didn't get hurt and he was going to bring them safely to wherever they were going.

With the Sun high in the sky they started on their travel to the Stars know where.Cyril flew slightly ahead of them but far enough to see any danger and warn them before they encounter it. Everything was alright so far and he hoped it would last this way.