
Maybe she loves me, Maybe she doesn't



05-01-2014, 09:33 AM

Disease spread throughout his body like venom, rapidly enveloping his fragile being until he had withered away to almost nothing. He had not strayed from his den in three weeks, only forcing himself to quench his thirst and subdue his hunger with herbs when necessary. Erani had called a meeting together a few days ago, but he had chosen to ignore her summons and remain in his den alone. He couldn't get to his own feet without a struggle, and he didn't want anyone else seeing him so ill. Especially Twig, but he doubted she cared about him anymore. She probably hated him now after what he had done. She hadn't bothered to check on him since their last meeting, and he was starting to assume there was a reason why. Had she already met someone else, or did she simply not care about him anymore? She plagued his mind daily, forcing him to not only endure the physical pain, but the emotional ache too. He didn't want to be alone, and he definitely didn't want to die alone. So despite their recent mishap he would raise his muzzle toward the dens roof, a single howl pressing through his lips as he summoned the woman to him. He needed to figure things out before it was too late, the least he could do was get some closure and not expire with questions on his mind.
