
Maybe she loves me, Maybe she doesn't

Twig I


05-01-2014, 09:57 AM
With her mind fully occupied on becoming well she had hardly spared a thought to her sweet friend Themisto. Though after he had left her to her sorrows right after Fern had died something within her had made a wall around him and their memories together. She thought he cared for her, thought maybe he even loved her. He hadn't shown her that though, when she needed his comfort so desperately he seemingly had vanished into thin air. Alpine had been there to help her pick up the pieces instead, he had been the one to show her that life really was still worth living. She had wanted Themisto and his comfort, but she was instead given Alpine's shoulder to support herself on. Still she would wonder what had happened to the bright sunny-eyed healer. Whose face had so easily brightened her day, the one who had so intrigued her at first glance. She needed to know how he fared, but was afraid to seek him out. What if he didn't want her anymore? Thought her to broken to spend his time on her.?

She would hear his call though, a sickly note meant for her. She would hesitate only a moment, surely if he asked for her it meant he hadn't forgotten her. Slate covered paws would carry her to his den, her steps delicate as she drew near. The smell of sickness was overpowering, is this what had become of her care free friend? He was wasting away within the confines of this hole in the earth and she had not even known. She noticed his absence at the meeting, and realized then what had caused his missing appearance. She would cry out before she even entered the den, so overwhelmed by sadness. "Themisto, oh.." she wouldn't wait on an invitation, letting herself slip into his home she would find the man a Skelton and shadow of his former self. "Themisto, what's happened to you." she would push her head into his neck, gently nuzzling him as she lay her form beside him.?