
Maybe she loves me, Maybe she doesn't



05-01-2014, 10:39 AM

She would burst into the den without an invitation, his ears folding as a cry seeped from her lips. Immediately she would come to lay beside him, her head pressing gently into his neck as if nothing bad had ever happened between the two. He would welcome her embrace, his weight shifting onto his right side so he could lay on it, an invitation to bring herself even closer so she could lay against his belly. (their usual cuddling position) "Themisto, what's happened to you." He would remain silent despite her question, his forelimbs extending outward as he attempted to grab her pull her in close if she hadn't already come closer. He would aim to hold her as tightly as he could manage, his dry nose pressing gently into the back of her neck as he inhaled deeply. Her perfume would engulf his lungs instantly, and he would fall deeply into thought as he laid there with her in silence, enjoying the bittersweet bliss of holding the woman he loved tightly in his arms. A sharp gasp for air would break the silence as he began to sob, tears streaming down his cheeks like a downpour as he buried his face into the back of her neck. He had no idea how to tell her about his progressing disease, or the inevitable fate that was soon to come. The only thing he could do now was sob until he couldn't anymore.

~Themisto Mathias~