
Where Can I Go From Here?



05-01-2014, 11:41 AM

Dayton continued to blink up at his savior, his jaw parting with disbelief. Only a moment ago, the boy had been as good as dead. But this other male had rescued him. "Did you..." he began again, voice still rougher than sandpaper. "You saved my life." His amber eyes held an immense amount of appreciation for Crucifix, and they burned with that fire as he stared relentlessly up at him. He heard the darker male as he spoke, demanding that Dayton never do that to him again. For a moment the russet boy was confused. What had he done to Crucifix? Was this younger boy - the one he had only just met several days before - truly that frightened for his life? Would he have honestly cared that much if the boy had died in that water?

These thoughts touched him. There was now no doubt in his mind that his rescue had been more than a moral obligation. Crucifix had not only felt that he needed to save Dayton. He had actually wanted to save him. Had anyone really cared that much about him before? When he thought about it, he couldn't even imagine Misha diving in to save him. Dayton was the protector in their relationship. But that was not a role he was born to play. Was it? He had saved his sister, but that was one time. That incident wouldn't shape his life. He had already decided that. Dayton would write his own destiny.

So he gritted his teeth and held in the cry of pain as Crucifix gently lifted him by the scruff. It was true that his vision swam a bit when this happened, but now his sanity sat firmly in place. This friend of his was gentle, where his father had been rough. Where even Misha had been rough. Dayton abandoned the thoughts and stayed quiet as Crucifix carried his small frame across his back. He was warm and strong, a stable rock to lean on. Dayton couldn't even bring himself to complain as he was dropped to the sand once more. The stormy boy with his beautiful eyes laid across his friend, providing heat to combat the shivering.

As the shivering slowed and his breathing returned to normal, Dayton found that it was much easier to speak. "Thank you for rescuing me, Crucifix," he whispered, closing his eyes with a sigh. "I live in your debt now. Tell me if there is anything I can do to repay you. I already know it will be impossible to thank you enough...." Then his voice began to fail him again. The boy had worked his throat too hard, until it was scratchy and sore. Something that must have happened when sanity was not within his grasp. He had no recollection of those events, in fact, and he had no idea how he had ended up here in the first place.

"Where am I? Do you know what happened?"