
Checking In, Catching Up



3 Years
04-28-2013, 12:01 PM

Kamala was prepared to respond sharply, to tell her brother that surely whatever had happened had been misread, but his words had her falling silent, lowering her head to gaze at her mismatched paws as Maverick spoke. Valkis . . . wanted to kill their father? The wolf that had raised them, that had saved them from the fiery wrath of the volcano that had claimed their lands and their true parents. How could he? They owed their lives to Gerhardt. He was their savior, and he was a good wolf. "Why?" The question was soft, escaping the young female with an exhalation. "He saved us." She felt lost. Kamala had always tried to understand Valkis, to offer him her support and her love, because he deserved it. As much as Maverick deserved her love, so did Valkis. And then this. How could he hate Gerhardt so much that he wished to kill him? Gerhardt was her father, more than Rancor ever had been, and she couldn't imagine a life where he wasn't there. Even more than that, she could not imagine a life where her own brother had killed him.

Kamala exhaled, shaking her head as she tried to distract herself from those thoughts, ears pricking in Maverick's direction as he spoke of Gideon. "I would imagine that he's had more experience with women than I've had with men, though." He was significantly older than her, and had had more years to experience other wolves, and Kamala was sadly illiterate in terms of love. She had felt no stirrings in her heart for any wolf other than her family. But her family was her life. Maybe she would never fall in love. But that didn't make her any less of a wolf, did it? "I hope you're right, Mav." Kamala shook her head slightly, ears pricking in the other wolf's direction. She still had her doubts, but the confidence in Maverick's words assured the yearling female. She trusted her brother's judgement.

Ears twitching, Kamala found a grin crossing her features at Maverick's compliment. He truly was an amazing brother. He always knew how to make her feel better, and a flick of her tail answered his compliment. "I will always keep your secrets, Mav." Kamala promised solemnly, "I do want to meet her, though..." She paused, trailing off swiftly as the sound of pawsteps reached her ears.

Nostrils flared to scent the air, and it took Kamala a moment to recognize the scent of her other brother. Valkis. She hesitated for a moment as he appeared, his crimson fur a familiar sight to the female, and one that usually made her heart leap in joy. But Valkis, her darling Valkis, wanted to kill her father. Confusion warred with joy in her heart, and it took Kamala a moment to answer him, "Valkis!" Her greeting was happy enough, her confusion well masked (in her opinion). How did she react to this? "Greetings, brother. I've missed you." That much, at least, was true. She did miss her brother. Her brothers were her closest companions. She loved them.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.