
Hot Air Balloon



5 Years
05-01-2014, 11:53 AM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2014, 11:54 AM by Fiamette.)

Surprisingly the pale stranger would approach her without caution, and the nymph's hackles would raise instinctively along her nape and spine. Her tail would flag to align with her spine as she glared at the girl with her volcanic eyes, lips creasing into a sly smile as opposed to an inviting one. The girl would state her name and ask Fiamette who she was before turning toward the other stranger, which was another female pup. Only this girl was darker in color, while Fiamette glowed bright red, and Sound emitted a pure ivory glare. Silently Fiamette would follow behind Sound, her brow furrowing as Sound greeted the stranger across the invisible border with a soft hello. Since attending the pack meeting she had come to realize that she lived within a pack among other members she did not know, and so she assumed these two girls were pack members she had no met yet. Her mother mentioned something about an Oracle, and being nice to her children.. Only Fiamette had no idea what an Oracle was, so she insisted on being nice to all the children she met in these lands, as she didn't want to upset her mother and get herself into trouble. "I'm Fiamette. Who are you?" She would inquire the darker girls name since she already knew what the pale girl went by, her eyes narrowing as her thin patience began to dwindle. She did not enjoy waiting long for answers, as she was used to having everything handed to her the second she demanded it.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"