
The Elites Of Celestion.



8 Years
05-01-2014, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2014, 09:36 AM by Maximous.)
Number: 14

Name: Phoenixa

Age: 2

Voice: She has what some have called the voice if an angel, though she herself has never thought of it that way. Her tones are soft yet seductive and sweat until you piss her off and even then the only time it holds the sweat and seductive essance is when her emotions show through. At the point of aggresion her voice will grow stern yet it will not raise unless a good lashing is of need. If she does not know you or care enough to allow you to see her true emotions her soft voice will be more dull and professional than anything.

Scent: her scent is strange as she not only smells like a feild of wild flowers but like a small camp fire as well. Each year during her birth season one sent will completely cover the other. One year it could be the fire scent the next year she might smell only of the flower feild.

Appearance: her pelt is a mixture of oranges and yellows with a few hints of red her head and face are pitch black with black splotching on her front legs, paws and chest. The only part of her head that isn't black is her ears Which are both a lovely shade of orange. Her eyes though stunning are emotionless with two different colored rings around each pupil. The inner ring is orange and the outer is yellow and the order in which they circle her pupil is the exact opposite of her brothers. Her muscle gives her a strong yet fast looking structure as the muscles aren't bulky. Her fur is long soft and silky giver her a slightly fluffier look yet she maintains her sporty girl look, which gains quite a bit of attention from the males. Infact se doesn't hate the attention, she just wishes they would leave her alone while shes working. Her twin is much bulkier than herself but don't let that fool you as she is every bit as tough as he is. Pheonixa stands a mere 3 inches shorter than her twin at 39 inches tall and wieghs 170lbs.

Personality: Phoenixa is a mixture of a follower and a leader. For certain things she demands that others listen and follow her orders for others she is content taking orders.she would never be a good primary alfa however her potential as second or third in command is promising. She isn't a flirt and she doesn't use her female charms to get anything, she beleives in working hard for everythingng she gets. Males have never been a priority for her as she has always been consumed by what ever job she happened to be given. Some would say that she didn't like to fight, but rather loved it..she would let them think what they wanted as she didn't like it but she didn't hate it either. Playing with pups and sparing with friends is what she does in her free time otherwise she is found carrying out orders and doing her job(s). She is kind and protective of those she cares for however quite hostile to thoughts she doesn't know or who pose a threat of any kind. Like her brother, Phoenix, few see her emotions and her loyalty is unwavering until you give her a reason to distrust you. Also much like her brother she is a fearless warrior who is all about her work...however she has been known to play which has never been known of with her twin. ay alter as played)

Role Play Sample: Phoenixa knew the moment she stepped into the new land as the ash ash and toxic smells of her homeland where gone. Had she been a more emotional she-wolf she might have broken down into tears at the knowledge that she would never see her home again and that chances of seeing someone from her childhood were small. Fortunately for her she wasn't.

Turning so that her orange and yellow optics looked back to where she came from, she took a moment to listen in case another from her home land had followed. A few minuets passed and she gave up on that small sliver of hope. With a deep inhale and the soft exhail of the word good-bye she moved further within the foreign land.

Orange ears would swivel constantly and her eyes would scan in case of any danger. Her head was held low so that her nose could pick up any and all scents. Amongst the autumn setting most of her pelt blended well with the yellow and irate hues, though she still stood out. Instantly she would stop dead in her tracks as her gaze landed on a strange wolf.

The woman was torn between staring and growling at the unknown wolf. She td never left her land and had never met a solid colord wolf before. In her home they were merely stories and when one did exist they were a rare novelty. In her mind she couldn't believe she had lived to see a solid colord wolf. Had the stranger been a male, like so many woman through her history, she may have felt the need to make him hers.

When the solid colored she wolf spotted Phoenixa and started toward her, the multi colored woman let a growl escape her in warning. In the same instant her orange ears would lay flat againced her black skull. The stranger stopped instantly and stared at her in the same way Phoenixa had been sating at her. It seamed as though the other she-wolf had never seen a wolf like the beautifully colored woman.

The stranger took another step forward and Phoenixa spoke at last with a threatoning and dominating tone that demanded obedience "Stop,or the next step you take will result in the loss of your limb." the she wolf had listened and mad no move to get any closer. It was with that very obediance that gave her confidence that the other woman posed no threat. Orange ears would perk back up and a question in a more friendly tone would be asked "Tell me, what strange land am I in? in a tone full of marvel and a small amount of submition the other would answer her "Alacritis, your in Alacritis.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)