
From Whence You Came (pups)



3 Years
04-28-2013, 12:58 PM

The sudden anger in Bane's words made Kamala jump a little, and she swung her head up to focus on the other wolf. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she kept her reactions tightly contained, stepping only a little closer to her brother so that he might sense her support. Bane did not understand their lives, and perhaps, in his view, this was justified, but to Kamala, her brother had merely spoken what had been in both of their minds. These wolves had mutilated themselves. It wasn't natural. She would not have said it, but that did not mean that Maverick's words warranted being snapped at. "I think..." Soft words would escape the female, "That it would have been different if we'd been raised in Seracia. But this notion of marking is strange to us." A middle ground, in Kamala's eyes. Perhaps it would soothe both sides.

Kamala tilted her head slightly as Bane began to speak, letting his words enter her brain without comment. The place of he spoke was far from the homeland that she had imagined, but perhaps it would have been different for her. Maybe he was lying. Though Kamala didn't believe it was true, it was certainly a possibility. There was no one to back him up, no one to corroborate his points. Perhaps the life that he found boring would have been perfect for Kamala and his siblings. But it didn't matter. It was gone. And Talutah was never coming back.

Still, his other words warranted a response. "Rules are a big part of Seracia," Kamala observed mildly, "And as for my father..." Kamala hesitated, falling silent as Maverick's angry reaction filled the air. She was content to let her rusty brother fight their battles, in that moment. His venom was stronger than hers, but the words that Maverick spoke summarized her thoughts more concisely than she probably could have managed to do so.

Ears twitching, Kamala took another step closer to Maverick, intending to show Bane that the two were a united front. He was her brother. If they could not be united, then no one could. The way that Bane had snapped his fangs at them unsettled her, anyways. She wasn't entirely sure that this wolf who spoke so negatively of Talutah was a wolf that she approved of. He seemed . . . different. And maybe she had no right to judge, but something about him seemed off and she wasn't sure that she wanted him around Valkis, anyways.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.