


05-01-2014, 09:33 PM
This the first round, it is mandatory that you post, and this round will end on MAY 8TH!

She moved slowly towards the heart of her territory, wanting to reach the same spot she had called the last meeting. The Queen, however, was exhausted, she was nearing the end of pregnancy. It had gone by so fast, but for that she was thankful. There was nothing worse than being pregnant. The silver temptress would move at a steady speed until she reached her destination. Haunches would recline towards the earth as she took a moment to catch her breath and relax. Once she had rested, her crown would tip back, a call spilling from dark lips as she summoned her pack.

Things had been successful for the most part. However, they had disappointed her. Only a few had shown up for the pack hunt and only half of the pack showed up to the battle training. The mere thought had her blood boiling. Plume curled around her to rest on her paws as she settled into wait. They had much to speak about, including announcing a few new members, or prisoners rather. Aside from that, she would verbally lashing those who had failed to attend the proper meetings. Already she had slackers that weren't ready to pull their weight.

Lips curled at the thought, eyes narrowing with distaste. There were a few faces she expected to see, but most importantly Basilisk. Since their last meeting, he seemed to have finally realized his place and was now willing to take it, though only time would tell if he was serious about it. Audits twitched, listening for the distinct sound of paws coming to answer her call.


OOC: Those excused from fight training because of new membership are Caeto, Ragna, Pandia, Mariposa, and Victoria. Those excused from the pack hunt because of new membership are Caeto. No one else has an excuse for absence in these threads -unless you have an absence/scarcity notice up.