
Where Can I Go From Here?



05-01-2014, 09:56 PM

Dayton had hoped to relax and sleep away his troubles, but the way Crucifix was pacing began to worry him. All he had wanted to do was forget, but the other male seemed to insist that he pry open these wretched memories. He gave him a look of polite distaste and did not respond. That is, until his next words entered the air. "Where's Misha?"

All it took was that one phrase to bring the thoughts barreling in.

The beach. Misha had been upset, and he was trying to calm her. Then he remembered pain... on his scruff... had Misha grabbed him? It didn't seem possible. Faded memories of a cloudy hallucination began to form. He had imagined that his father was there, but surely this wasn't true. Perhaps his mate had tried to harm him and that shock was enough to throw him into a state of panic. What had happened then? Had he run away to this place, only to pass out in the water? It still seemed so unlikely, and yet it was the only explanation he had for the strange occurrences.

These thoughts ran through his mind in a matter of seconds, and then his open gaze flew to Crucifix. "I think I remember..." he began, a line forming between his brow. "We were on the beach. Misha and I were talking... she was upset for some reason, having a mood swing I believe, and I was trying to cheer her up. She kept telling me..." Yes, it was flooding back now. "Telling me not to touch her. But I was only trying to comfort her. At last she must have snapped, because if I remember correctly something grabbed me by the scruff. It was then that I must have lapsed into a temporary state of dementia... or something, because I remember my father being there, holding me by the scruff again..."

Some things were painful to remember. But it was necessary.

"Then the grip was gone, but I started running away... I must have ended up here, somehow. Then, I don't know, I just passed out from shock and fell into the pond?" It still didn't seem right. Everything sounded so strange, even to his own ears. He couldn't imagine what the other boy must be thinking. Dayton probably seemed even crazier by now. He found himself feeling sympathy for Crucifix. It was a shame that a handsome brute like him had to play doctor with such a horrid excuse for a wolf.