
Little Wolf


05-01-2014, 10:25 PM

She would laugh at him; always the mocking little bitch. As always, you underestimate me brother. I have not gone soft, in fact, quite the opposite. I have surrounded myself with those of similar mind sets. I have taken control and have created something you never could have. I have an army at my feet. What you call a momentary lapse will become permanent when that little bitch comes crawling back. His mind would register her boasting, but would immediately latch onto the part about Orica. He would be careful to keep his expression the same serious on, devoid of any kind of reaction despite the fact that his stomach was twisting painfully. The nymph had lied to him and stabbed him in the back; he would never forget that. Some stupid irrational part of him still cared for the little bitch, but his normal functioning killer side wanted to rip out her ivory little throat so that she would never bother him ever again. But he didn't know if he would be able to go through with it if he ever really did see her again...that was something that was not worth worrying about at the moment, especially with Cataleya taunting him.

She would only be rewarded with a slight tensing of his jaw but he would quick to relax it, the change so quick she would question if that had ever really happened. I don't need your approval, I have a built a life for myself. My name will be whispered to children in scary stories. She would continue prattling on about how grand her new pack was with all her little minions and her bit about her name being whispered in scary stories made the behemoth burst out in laughter. He would toss his skull back, his laugh belly deep as it boomed from his bloodied jaws. It took him several minutes to regain his composure, unable to believe what his sister had just told him. The high and mighty Cataleya needs little bitches to go out and do her dirty work now? Are you too good now to go out and get your paws soaked in blood? he would sneer, a snarl twisting his features. Scary stories. I'm the reason most wolves don't have children to tell those stories to little sister, so having your name whispered amongst non-existent ears suits you really well.

He would shake his head, unable to believe it. His sister thought she was high and mighty because she had a group of little bitches at her beck and call? Pathetic. He didn't need anyone to grovel at his paws and do everything he wanted them to do. If he ever were in charge of a group of wolves, they would all be his half dead slaves, his playthings. He would never send someone else out to do the work that he had so beautiful mastered over the years. No one could slaughter like he could and no one ever would. He was a beast and a hellion, one that could be not tamed nor confined. He was far worse than any army ever could be and it was sad that Cataleya had resorted to having others doing her dirty work. A look of disapproval would fill his cyan eyes as he looked down his muzzle to her, not sure who he was looking at anymore. This was not the sister he had grown up with. These lands had changed her.

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