
Rain on my parade



2 Years
05-02-2014, 03:29 AM

In the moments of his caution and sensitivity, he had all but forgotten the presence of the girl behind him. It wasn't until her breath was against his skin, and her words a soft touch against his ear that he would be reminded of her intrusion. His hairs along his spine would raise in an agitation that took hold of him in a heart beat, and faded just as quickly as remembered the speaker was his friend. But he was not alone in hearing her words, nor being alerted by their presence. He felt more then heard or saw the disturbance of the corner. Felt eyes level upon him before he saw the glow of amber breach the darkness. He could feel the menace as a tickled warning against his bristling fur before hearing the click of claws against stone.

The words of the girl had almost been forgotten to his frozen body, to his still limbs. But racing mind and weary senses where still hard at work feeing against the air before him. It wasn't until the sound of something large rising, of the sound of shifting weight that was almost audible through the a tremor of the cave. It wasn't until claws traced tracks against the earth in the movement of a slumbering beast rising, that the words of the girl would penetrate his cautious mind. Crucifix she had said we need to get out of here and he knew that no truer words had ever been spoken. ?Run his hissed to her, his words a low-voiced snarl. His hairs were standing on end and his ears where flat against his skull. The best took in a deep, heavy scent of the world. He could almost feel the suck of air, the rumbling grow of that intake.


He cried, in case his first words had not been force enough, finally turning now, and as through sensing his movements the bear would utter a rumbling grow that vibrated against his throat and echoed through the hollows of the cave. The rain was forgotten, minuscule to this newest threat. He was prepared to shove and push if need be, anything to keep Odette moving and ahead of him, save from the terror in the caves depths. He would lunge for the light, could feel the buzzing of the star-bugs above him and could feel sense and see the flickering and fading of their light as they sensed the movements, the threats and faded out one by one.

He was passing through the cave with rapid sweeps of his feet, eyes barely scrapping the now familiar sights of his refuge before he plunged onwards and out, out into the pouring rain. The thundering of heavy steps behind him propelling him onwards.
