
Where Can I Go From Here?



05-02-2014, 07:31 AM

Dayton felt weary with his story told, but now his mind was whirling. Surely the vision of his father had been just that - a vision, and nothing more. But if that were the case, and the events that had led up to all of this had included Misha, where was she now? He felt a frightened pang in his chest when he thought of his love, alone and frightened and possibly wounded. Where was his love? Was she alright? The small boy stirred suddenly, as if to get up and go look for her. But as soon as his muscles were stimulated, they seemed to give out again. He was far too weak to find her tonight. Hopefully she would survive another night, and they could head out in the morning, as Crucifix said. He sent up a quick prayer, asking whoever was up there to watch over her and keep her safe. She was so fragile... and him leaving must have devastated her...

He let out a long, trembling sigh and looked at his friend once more. They were resting next to each other now, and the younger boy was radiating steady heat that was comforting to Dayton. He placed his chin on his forelegs and closed his eyes for a moment, resting. Then the darker male spoke of Misha being pregnant, and Dayton was wide awake again. "Of course not!" he exclaimed, before composing himself and answering once more. "I'm sorry. What I meant was, that couldn't be possible. Her season isn't until winter, and even if she... we've never even, you know... because I can't-" Dayton pressed his lips together as he felt his face grow warm. "Crucifix, you are one of the only living souls who knows my story. So I'm sure you can imagine how difficult relations like that would be for me. Misha does want pups, in the future. But she couldn't be pregnant now. Not with my pups, anyway." He added with a touch of dark humor. No, that couldn't possibly be the issue here. She was simply on a prolonged mood swing. That made enough sense. Didn't it?
