
I got all the answers to your questions



4 Years
05-02-2014, 10:08 AM

The scent that danced under her nose was achingly familiar. Serra recognized it immediately, her blue gaze widening just slightly, the only outward sign of a shock that rocked her to her core. Wael. Wael, the scared brother; Wael, the one that she had shielded from a world that he believed would hurt him. She had never dreamed that he would leave their pack behind, and that had been why she had not felt guilty about leaving him. He would have her sister, and her parents, and the rest of their pack to save him from his mind. She had consoled herself by believing that he would be just fine without them, but Serra had never even dreamed that Wael would abandon his pack and end up here, of all places.

The platinum colored wolfess' world had been turned on end with just a scent, and it was nothing like discovering Quelt. She had been expecting Quelt; she had tracked Quelt for seasons. But Wael? Never in her wildest dreams would Serra have expected him. Always hiding in the den, afraid of the sun and what it might bring to light.

Without conscious thought, Serra moved mechanically, her blue eyes scanning the horizon blankly. She felt like something had lied to her. Finding Wael out here was like finding out that the sky was actually green and the grass was blue. And yet Serra did not even dream of turning away from this path. She would find him, of course, bring him to Quelt if he desired, or just stay with him for a while. Of course she would. He was family and Serra always looked out for family, even when that family was scared of things that she could not see or comprehend. It was just what her parents had taught her.

When her paw slammed down on a twig, making it crack like gunfire, Serra's muscles tensed, panic coursing through her limbs for a short second until she realized what it had been. It's just a twig, Serra... She thought irritably, and it was only then that she realized how close she had come to Wael. The realization came as he plummeted towards the earth, falling from the branches of a tree. She didn't stop to question what he had been doing in the tree, and instead flung herself forward, leaping into action "WAEL!" Panic forced her to race towards him, pushing her legs as quickly as they could until she had reached his side. "Wael, are you alright?" Slightly more under control now (she could not scare him), Serra forced herself to speak gently, with none of the panic or fear that was making her heart pound in her chest. Adrenaline surged in her system, but Serra remained still, her anxious blue gaze tracing his form, seeking any injuries, new or old.

Questions danced through her mind, but she could hardly remember them from one second to the next. Her mind was jumping around, jumping all over the place, panic still the dominant emotion in the girl's mind. Would he be okay? Serra was no healer, and had no idea how to find a healer, but if she had to find a healer, where could she go? Maybe Quelt would know. But Serra didn't even properly know where Quelt was and oh gods, what if Wael was seriously injured?
