
let me be your ghost



4 Years
05-02-2014, 10:20 AM

Her gaze locked onto Quelt's achingly familiar form as he spoke. Serra let his words wash over her ears, not really comprehending them at first. There hadn't been a problem...? Serra simply couldn't comprehend leaving her family without there being a problem. She had left to find Quelt because Serra couldn't imagine a future without him. But that had been a problem, or close enough to one anyways. The female hesitated, biting her tongue for a moment before she let words spill from her maw. "I guess you're right..." She'd kind of enjoyed being on her own too, hadn't she? Which meant Serra had no right to judge Quelt. He deserved to make his own choices. Serra was just as justified in making her own choices, however, and felt no guilt about stalking him practically to the ends of the earth. Quelt was her best friend and closest companion; he wasn't going to get rid of her that easily.

Leaning into the 'hug,' Serra let a smile spread across her features. "Do you even have to ask, brother?" The question was gentle, amusement clear in Serra's tone. "Of course I will support you. I know you will make an excellent leader." And she would support him however he desired, whether it was as a Duchess - or Beta or whatever he decided to call his ranks - or simply as a packmember. Serra didn't desire any particular rank, and certainly would not make that a condition of her support. Some wolves might have, but all Serra wanted was to know that her brother was all right.

Serra leaned her body against Quelt's side, tail thumping contentedly against the earth. "Whatever you decide to do, you'll be excellent at it." She had endless faith in her family, and if he ever needed a pick-me-up, Serra would be there, of course. If he ever doubted himself on this path, Serra would be ready to help him. Quelt deserved happiness, and however he found that, Serra would support him. For her, it was that simple.
