
Strife's My Name


04-28-2013, 01:51 PM
((didn't realize that there was no posting order >.> sorry for the short crappy post, trying to catch up on stuff))

The female looked at Zara, head cocked but the almost blind female would never notice the slightest movements of wolves anymore. She could tell when they shifted position and changed mood by tone of voice but that was about it. She would never see a gentle smile or a curious expression. her heart sunk slightly at that thought but there were more pressing matters at hand. This female, Eris as she called herself, was looking to join a pack? Or at least she wanted to hear about some packs. Well Zara could obligee there and tell her about Amenti if she liked. She was about to respond when the female asked if Zara was alright. Frayed ears would prick forward and she cocked her head as if she didn't understand the question at first. But then again she was bleeding enough to make the smell almost overwhelming. Her neck was fairly torn up though the blood was slowly beginning to clot so it was harder to see the extent of the damage since the fur around her neck was thick and dense. The more visible of her wounds were already barely bleeding, the one below her eye only weeping blood when she smiled or moved her face to flex the scabbing that was starting to occur. The tear on her hip was ragged and seemed to open the most as she walked but had also begun to clot and scab over as she sat and gave it a break. "I suppose, I was sparring and the male turned rather nasty and refused to submit no matter what I did. He did some damage to my neck..." she said with a smile that soon turned into a smile. "I'll just clean it up in the river later I suppose and see if I can find a healer. We don't really have anyone in our pack with that particular skill set" she mused easily.

But head would tilt slightly as she looked at the female, eyes trying to make out the near shapeless blob before her. She almost wished her vision would just go so there wasn't this awkward in between phase. "My pack is called Amenti, we were once Lentajin but have changed our ways from the old pack. I'd love to tell you more about it if you'd like?" she asked, not wanting to force the information on the female unless she was interested in hearing it. Zara was one of the few wolves who had been around since the beginning of Lentajin with Sade and was the one who had eventually send Newt to dethrone Sade. Few knew that particular fact though and Zara wasn't about to share it with strangers. They didn't know just how messed up everything had been when they had begun.