
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 11:29 AM

Audits would turn toward the ash hued woman as she spoke, his brow furrowing inquisitively as she handed the meeting over to an ebony hued man. He remembered seeing them both at previous meetings, and could only assume that they were both high ranking members of the pack, since they were calling meetings together and all. Most of his words would go into one ear and out the other, Neios's frigid stare blank and emotionless when his name was mentioned. It was enough to fully grasp his attention though, and he would shift his eyes toward the blue male he was to fight shortly after. He did not know who this Sora was, but he was not the least bit afraid, or concerned. He had yet to be quelled by an enemy, and so he had no reason to fear defeat. He was invincible. Though a growl would slip from his lips when Hati demanded he remove his harness he would do so without retaliation, his lips creasing into a displeased sneer as he slipped the last piece of leather off his body. He would gently pick up the harness as if it were a child, and he would place it a few yards away on a large boulder where he could keep an eye on it while training. He would then make a v line toward this said Sora, approaching the boy with his tail curled proudly above his hips, and his towering head raised dominantly toward the sky.

Surprisingly they seemed to be the same height, but this did not worry Neios. He had suppressed both small and large enemies, so surly this boy would be no problem. The ashen woman had mentioned this round was only focusing on defenses, and so the boy would flag them all perfectly in an attempt to protect himself from any attacks Sora may attempt. His head would drop to align with his spine, his ears would fold against his skull, his eyes would narrow, his muzzle would scrunch, his lips would curl to fully unsheathe his fangs, and his chin would tuck to protect his throat and vitals. His shoulders would roll forward to add padding around his neck, his hackles would raise along his nape and spine, his knees would bend slightly, his weight would evenly distribute throughout his four limbs, and his tail would lower to align with his spine to be used as a rudder when turning. Claws would grip the earth as toes splayed and flexed, an attempt at giving him a stable grip on the soil. His abdomen and bodily muscles tensed beneath his hefty weight, ready to spring at any moment as he glared into the azure gaze of the boy before him. "Go on, attack me." He would taunt, ebony lips creasing into a sneer as he waited for the boy to make his first move.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: 0/2


Defenses: Second paragraph.
Attacks: None
Injuries: None

OoC Notes: