
& i dream about you all the time


04-28-2013, 02:01 PM

Lovatt's tail curled slightly as he turned to glance at the female beside him. She was beautiful, but those sapphire eyes were unreadable in that moment, leaving him as confused as ever. He would never know how she felt about him. Unless he told her. But that would come with time. He knew that he would tell her, knew that the words would spill from his maw soon, but first things would have to come first. He needed to tell her of the home that he may have found.

Shaking his head slightly, the male grinned at Morgan. "In a moment." His stomach took that moment to rumble loudly, a reminder that drew a low laugh from the massive creature. "It will have to be sooner rather than later. And I'm sure you're hungry as well." Perhaps he would indulge in a meal before he moved onto the more sensitive parts of this conversation. It would give him time to gather his wits, and to figure out how to say this properly, without his tongue stumbling all over itself and making him look a fool.

The male nodded slowly, flicking his ears as he listened to Morgan speak, "No need to be so formal." Lovatt's voice was light as he spoke, "I don't bite, I promise." A chuckle rumbled in his frame as the male stretched out lethargically, allowing a few moments of silence to pass before he came back to a seated position, brown ears pricking in Morgan's direction as he began to speak.

"I don't know if you've been looking for a permanent home for us, Morgan, but there is a pack that I have stumbled across where I believe we could fit in. It's . . . different, to say the least. But they value family, and their leader is a noble creature. It would be a family that we could rely on if things got tough. If you would be interested in this pack, I thought that perhaps we might visit it together. Your brother could join us, if you would want that. Or we could simply forget about it. It's all your choice." It was more than Lovatt had said in years. Maybe even in living memory. Lovatt was not typically the most talkative creature. He wanted to know, however, if she was interested in finding a home with him. Maybe Lentajin wouldn't be their home, but he wanted to know. No, he needed to know if she was willing to follow him. If she cared enough to want to build a life with him.

Maybe it was unfair to ask that of her without admitting how he felt, but that was what was coming next, Lovatt figured. It would be a relief to finally admit everything. "And I have something else, too..." But for the moment, he wanted to give her time. Time to sort through her feelings so that he was not pressuring her or pushing her.
