
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



4 Years
05-02-2014, 01:22 PM
NOTT; 36 inches & 105 pounds
NARFI; 35 inches & 120 pounds

Luis has given me permission to edit my post saying who Narfi is sparring.

It seems she had arrived after some exchanged words, from what Catalyea said, the Marquis were concerned people wouldn't listen or respect them? She wouldn't pay too much attention, she would respect them as long as they respected her, simple as that. Zaria spoke up, she didn't want others to give her special treatment. Then Kylar came into view, taking a seat near her and questioned them becoming partners. It would be interesting should they get paired seeing as he was much larger than herself, a little challenge. "Should they allow us to choose." She smirked, though she had a feeling they wouldn't be allowed to choose.

An unknown, most likely newbie, showed up along with Cataleya's pet, Neios... and wearing an interesting item over his massive frame with spikes lining it. Narfi had to admit, it was impressive, far better than her little back pack and skull she wore. Next to show was the girl she had sparred with for the Duchess rank, slinking out of the shadows after losing and vanishing. At least, in Narfi's eyes. Was she so hurt at her failure she had to hide away in a dark hole? The girl would smirk once again but her attention quickly went to the others gathering.

Two more dark pelted wolves, a female who had been at the previous meeting and a lighter male with similar eye markings to the Monarch. It was then Daegmar began.

She informed the group about the lesson now and to come, focusing on a particular aspect of fighting; defense, attack, control, reflexes and anticipation. They would also learn to fight multiple opponents within a few sessions, and for now they would focus on defenses. Next, basic defenses would be given. Narfi would listen closely to these, some of them she already did instinctively, and others she would remember and keep in mind for any future fights. After that, she would give Hati the task of pairing them up and once they were finished they would fight in teams to practice team work. No permanent maiming.

Hati now spoke up, giving a small tip about furrowing the brow. Next were some more things they should know to protect themselves, Narfi would soak it all up like a sponge. Finally would come the pairings; Zaria and Kaneyna, Novacaine and Daegmar, Nott and Narfi, Sora and Neios, Hati and Kylar. The girl would sigh, but not of annoyance or frustration, more like a playful release. Her gaze looked up to Kylar and gave a small shrug. "Maybe next time big boy." Next time she would request to spar her partner, it would only seem appropriate, see how each were and improve some things about each other so they could work better as a team.


Picking herself up the girl would glance over at Nott, the dark female only a tad taller than her but definitely lighter. With a quick shake she would take a few steps to the side to give a bit of space so she wouldn't knock into one of her pack mates, motioning the woman to come join her. It was about then that Hati spoke up for people to move their asses, mumbling something about babysitting, daycare, blah blah. Narfi ignored his ass, keep talking like that and she would treat him like a child even though she was younger. He could go throw a tantrum someplace else. Wasn't this suppose to be a pack of fighters, not whiners?

This time, she would allow her opponent to make the first move. Switch it back and forth. Immediately she did her usual stance and defenses, head lowering to become leveled with her spine, tail also doing the same. Ears gave a flick before moving back and laying against her skull, eyes narrowing. Legs spread evenly, bending at the joints while toes spread and slightly dug into the earth to help with grip. Next she would apply some defenses the Marquis gave. Shoulders rolled forward and her head pulled back, tilting forward to protect her throat and jugular while also scrunching up the neck to create some folds of skin.

She was ready.

narfi VS nott

zero OF two FOR defense spar