
What Is Meant To Be Must Be


05-02-2014, 04:36 PM

Honestly, as Akemi wandered back to the borders of Ebony she felt bad about leaving them. But she knew that, in the end, this was the best decision for her. The pack had grown... And... She just didn?t find her place in it. Her heart was always lost... Waiting to be reunited with her big brother. She knew, no matter what she tried, that her destiny was tied with his own. It wasn?t like they were mates but they still shared a deep bond that would never, ever be severed.

When the small fae finally reached the territory she would throw her head back, calling specifically for Vaughan. He was the one, she knew, who would understand her reason for leaving the best out of the high ranking members. He had been the one to accept her, and knew of her longing to be with her family. He would understand... He had to understand. Akemi would remain standing as she waited for him, bright red orbs shining with more life than they had in a long time. She was going to be with Hati again... And she was going to help show the rest of the world that they were both not as everyone else perceived them.
