
a new day, a new place

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
05-02-2014, 05:10 PM

It certainly seemed that Hepheastus was alone as he approached her, a shame for Andromeda thought it would have been nice for Gaia to get out once more. Together the pair of them had explored the lands of Ebony numerous times and she would have enjoyed to do the same with her sister now in Olympus. If senses alone hadn't confirmed that Gaia wouldn't be joining them though, her brother soon gave an explanation to which the golden girl would respond with a small sigh. What could they do to make her feel more at home here, help her find that urge to leave the den once more?

There wasn't long at all to plan, another wolf soon catching her attention as the stranger began to approach the two siblings. She would nudge her brother slightly in hopes of getting him to look towards this other wolf, though the adult would soon begin to speak in a rather friendly tone to the two of them that almost suggested familiarity. Well she was certain she hadn't met this wolf before and glanced to her brother to see if his memory had managed to recall any differently.

He would sit for a moment in silence staring at this 'Great Aunt Phoebe' and Andromeda would look back towards her as well, still not entirely sure what to make of the odd situation. All Hephaestus had to offer was his wondering as to what a Great Aunt actually was, come to think of it, that wasn't a bad question, what did that term actually mean. "And 'great nieces and nephews' what are they?"