
Where The Edges Blur


05-02-2014, 08:00 PM


His mind payed heed to when she didn't move away from his touch, and instead only cast him a look before moving forward. Good, perhaps this would be easier than what his devious mind has initially calculated, but her calm behavior should have been a clue in to the man, that this one was not like that female...Sinister that he met awhile ago. Where she was fire, this one was like water, simply calm and collected, going with the flow, and seemed to move through the easiest route possible. Imonde was finding himself not minding this much at all.

She didn't even attempt to condemn him verbally as he announced that he was one of the Divine, she would only nod her head at him. Yes, he found himself getting along with this woman in the future, perhaps if she asked he would even give her his protection for a short while. Commitment wasn't something he was good at.

Words though cut through his spinning thoughts as he turns his head back toward her, his brow drawing together once again and then relaxing as he nods at her before she vanishes into her den. He watches, his haunches meeting the ground before she comes out, her voice floating to him as she asks permission again.

His ears draw toward her, his brow furrowing in concentration as he nods his head once again. "We give you per-mis-sion to do what-ever needs to be done."
