
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


05-02-2014, 09:51 PM
The ivory woman was interested to see what type of wolf, August would turn out to be. Already he was surprising her, requesting a friendly spar. Her tail wagged slightly, as she smiled. "I'd love to spar. I've been needing to stretch my muscles!" She said excitedly, though she felt a bit of nerve prickle at the back of her mind. In a way, she hoped he would beat her- she loved learning new styles and techniques but as the alpha, would she look weak if she lost? Taking a deep breath, she cleared her mind, her violet eyes surveying the male before her as her defenses set. Legs would spread for balance, her tail coming to rest parallel with her back, aiding to balance her. She could feel her hackles rise, as her ears fell back against her head, protecting them. Her shoulders rolled back, aiding her raised hackles in protecting her neck. Her head lowered- tucking her chin to protect her throat, eyes narrowed. Now her weight was evenly distributed- her toes spread, digging into the ground, as her violet eyes studied him- looking for a spot to attack.

Her heart beat increases, she can nearly feel the adrenaline flowing through her veins, and her mind calculates him. She's slightly taller than he is, which for her can be both an advantage and disadvantage. She doesn't know his style- and that is a disadvantage. Should she start aggressive or defensive in her first attack? A few moments pass, before the thought, what the hell? flitted through her mind. She lunged forward suddenly, loping towards him to close the distance between them, moving slightly to his right side where she aims to make her first attack. She aims to come in at his right side, jaws open, gums rolling back as she comes closer. She moves so that her left shoulder may bump into his right, unbalancing him, while her jaws clamp down, an attempt to grab the side of his neck, with a firm but not damaging bite. Her tail thrashes behind her, and she digs her claws into the ground- to maintain her own balance.


Round 1 of 3

defenses: Legs spread, tail parallel with her spine, hackles raised, ears flat against her head, shoulders rolled back, head lowered, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, claws gripping the dirt.

attacks: lunges forward to attack the right side, positions herself that as she comes in to bite his neck, her left shoulder can push into his, in an attempt to unbalance him. (She's not biting hard enough to do extreme damage here, if that wasn't clear, rather firmly biting him).

injuries: none, first round

chart: click here, please (I'm a grand artist, *sarcasm*)

notes: Roman is 34 inches in height, and weighs about 150 lbs. SPAR TIME, YAY ! I've been itching to do this all week!

EDIT: I forgot to post this in my table, so I needed to fix the coding. This edit was approved by Shelby!