
Tea With The Queen


05-03-2014, 02:07 AM
Roman would listen attentively as the tawny woman discussed love. Her own mind drifted back to what little she knew on the subject. Roman had never known an intimate love. She knew the love she felt for her family, but love in the sense of mates confused her. Sometimes she wondered if she'd ever fall in love? Could someone love her once they knew her baggage, her dark secrets? The things that she would never share, could tear apart a relationship. She had to admit parts of this to her father, and that had been one of the hardest things she had ever done. Could she tell Isardis that she again found the man who had ruined her and allowed him to walk away unscathed? Would he "love" her then? Her ears flattened slightly as Misha talked about being left for dead. Roman knew all to well what being left was like, if it hadn't been for the white stranger who had actually dragged her to her feet, she probably would be dead. Roman couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Misha's eyes. Roman nodded slightly, "Do you think love is for everyone?" She asked curiously, her near child like wonder captivating her attention, fueling her questions that she would ask the other woman.