
I Know


05-03-2014, 02:27 AM

She couldn't deny the mental sting that she felt at his words. With so much loss lately, she didn't know who to handle the simplest rejections. She felt irritation arise as he questioned why she hadn't come to them earlier. She didn't know what to say to the child, she knew most of his words were out of anger and she could only guess fear. It was terrifying to be a prisoner in a place, and since Isardis had fallen ill, the father that had taken the children hadn't been around to know them. That wasn't the kings fault, but she could only assume that it was frustrating. Letting out a sigh she stood, shaking her head slightly, nothing she could say would salvage this situation. "Perhaps I had not called sooner because I've been busy. Contrary to popular belief, being a healer is not a job for someone who is lazy." Her words were light, and she started to turn away from him.

"The day I helped you escape, would be the day I signed a death warrant for not only you and I, but Valhalla. I respect your mother's pack, and that's not something I can do for you. For that, I am sorry Kismet Adravendi." He was a pup, of course he wouldn't know the consequences that could become of her helping him escape. "Wait it out. Politics are a tricky thing, perhaps something shall happen that allows you to be released or when your father isn't nearly dying, he'll let you go." She paused again, taking a few steps away before turning to face the child once more. "But if you need anything, my den is always open." With that, she'd fall silent.

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