
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-03-2014, 11:16 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had landed upon her back, the dense foliage that had gathered at the base of the rise cushioning her fall, and yet the surprise of it alone was enough to steal her breath for a few seconds. As she recovered, staring upward and then over at her husband who has landed beside her, she laughed, a bright, unrestrained sound, until she realized that even at this distance it might still be audible to her young beside the river. No, she did not want to alert them to their parents's stolen time alone, and so she quieted quickly, still smiling brightly as Bane reached for her.

She mimicked the kiss to her cheek with one to his own, and only realized a second later how the greying male had effectually pinned her in place by crawling over her. It was enough to set her heart racing for a second time, certain now there would be no more waiting. He drew out the moment for a little longer, each kiss and nuzzle tortuous as it burned her desire brighter and caused her to squirm longingly beneath him. His rumbling growl was answered with a broken whine, and as his jaws came down to latch upon her throat, Tahlia eased her head back and closed her eyes, giving herself over to the moment that had been created for them.

-Fade and skip-

She lay securely within her husband's embrace, snuggled close with her head tucked beneath his chin. A paw moved lazily and absently through the fur of his chest, a far cry from the urgent press it had before, and her sleepy sort of expression spoke of nothing but contentment. She was glad that they had been given a moment for themselves. She had not anticipated it going this far so fast, but then who was she to complain? It was a pleasant surprise, as it always was, and was made all the better for knowing that even after two sets of kids, after being confined to their den for so long with little to no time to devote to her vanity, she was still desirable to her husband. Her right ear flickered and with a slight, bemused frown, she asked with quiet laughter in her voice, "Have I lost my flower?"

Her dark gold gaze roved across his exposed shoulder, watching the way his paling fur moved as she brought her roaming paw toward it to expose the scarred flesh below. Exactly how many more of these did Bane possess, how many more that she had not noticed? "How did you get this?" Tahlia asked quietly, pressing her nose to the long-healed scar with a gentle lick.