
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


05-03-2014, 12:56 PM

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It may have been awkward, Silveris's friendship with this wolf, so of course she was a little nervous. Well, actually, she was more nervous than she liked to think she was. With a slight tilt of her head, Silveris sat down, and watched him. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, so as she waited for a response, Silveris thought of her old pack, Seracia. With all her heart, more than anything, she hoped her adopted mother, Loccian, was okay; after all, her mother had pups to take care of. The brown wolf's thoughts wandered to her siblings, and if she would ever have a family like her mother's. After all, Silveris's family was a nice family, even if it was a little small, and she loved it. She loved them]/i]. But this wolf wasn't family to her.

But, it wasn't like Emery not being family was a bad thing. Silveris hadn't really talked to the wolves in her pack, though, besides Destruction, a little. And that was only because she had been worried about her. But they seemed like they would have gotten along well. As her thoughts returned to the topic at hand, she began to think that her pack would probably run the wolf off. But, for the first time since she had marked this island as hers, Silveris began to think like herself. [i]No.
She wouldn't run him away, because he was just a friendly wolf; as soon as she thought that, he spoke, and she wagged her tail. "Hey, I just thought of something. She said, and then stopped, thinking that he might ask something else, and how rude it was to interrupt. She was a little lonely, though. Maybe, if they became friends, he could visit sometime.

"Yeah. My mother is s....sick, and my siblings are too young to be swimming. They're still pups." The brown wolf explained, and wagged her tail at Emery before her stomach growled, interrupting their quiet conversation. Silveris dipped her head and held it there, too embarrassed to look at him. It went away quickly though, and she raised her head to ask Emery a question. "Are you hungry? I'm pretty sure there's food here. I can catch something." She offered, with a final wag of her tail.

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