
Seeking Warmth In Ice

Gargoyle I


04-28-2013, 02:32 PM


The paws of a good Alpha are never still. Gargoyle was certain he?d heard the saying somewhere along his travels, and it was fitting that it should come back to him now. Indeed, even if he didn?t wish to be fit ? it would be hard not to be with such a job as his. He was forever checking on things, hunting, patrolling borders and training. On this day he?d been stlaking down a waylaid musk ox calf near the borders when his sister?s call alerted him. He came, as always, at a high lope and without the usual load of snow to hamper his way, he practically flew over the ground.

Anyone happening to see him dash by in the distance would?ve declared him too large for a wolf ? a young bear, it must?ve been! But when Gargoyle slowed to a stately prowl and encroached upon the border, it became clear that he was lupine. Ears, one tattered and shredded, swiveled in the direction of a newcomer. The nose twitched. The yellow eyes gazed in lifeless, analytical silence.

As he did upon meeting any new wolf, he sized this one up. His pregnant sister made him espically alert towards any signs of aggression or danger.

Well, this male had danger written all over him. Scars layered upon scars. Muscle mass in places that only came from long hard training. The quiet stance of a practiced warrior. Add that to what Crusade summed up of their conversation and Gargoyle knew he was facing an interesting creature. Whatever the details were, this one indeed had a past. They say a wolf in wool can fool sheep, but never another wolf.

?My thanks, sister. I?ll take things from here.? Gargoyle murmured with a dip of his own head ? yet even as he turned his gaze, he kept an ear trained upon the newcomer. He watched his sister trundle off over the first crest of hill before he made ready to converse with Krash.

?Well you're no lap dog." Gargoyle rumbled looking the male up and down. It was nice to see a wolf who looked like he could hold his own. But Gargoyle wasn't here looking for a sparring partner. This was someone who was asking to come into his home, to eat and sleep amongst his family. "I'll wager you've seen damage done in your seasons. Perhaps caused some too.? Gargoyle eyed the big wolf carefully; calculations toted up behind those lifeless yellow eyes, but what they amounted to could only be guessed at from his words. ?I can appreciate the need for a new start ? and the dangers it can entail to those around you. Whatever wars you might have fought in your past, they are in your past. Here we have an odd mix - innocents living beside bloody-pawed veterans. It's those innocents and loved ones that we protect that make us more than any mob or pack. We're a family. If you wish a trial period within it, I'll give it to you, for I'm always looking for a good soul with strong claws, however, any darkness, any self-doubt, any ambition, you must leave behind you at the border.?

Gargoyle could be eloquent when he wished. But when it came to wolves of his own caliber he didn?t muck about. He got to the point, plain and simple. He?d fought, killed, tortured, even drunk blood on a couple of occasions, ?light-hearted? had never been a word to describe him. His lack of emotion was done more out of concern for those around him than for any other reason. If he seemed to straight forward or heavy to some that was their problem. But veterans, they understood.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~