


05-03-2014, 02:07 PM

The tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried, as best he could, to keep from crying loudly. But... It wasn?t as if Sorrel was blind. One ear would turn back to Sorrel at the question, body shaking some. By Sorrel?s voice he could tell his brother honestly didn?t understand what he had done. The boy would sniffle a little, not sure he could look at Sorrel right now. He knew his brother wouldn?t even intentionally hurt him... Just as he wouldn?t ever do anything to hurt Sorrel either.

?I... I?m worried I guess... And... Sad that you don?t seem to enjoy adventuring like I do. I know you love all of us a lot but... We have other family too that care about us... And even if we weren?t asked to be in Lucidael we?re still here. Mom and dad came here... And if they want to stay we have to stay too right now. We?re too young to make that sort of decision... And I don?t want others to think bad of you because you don?t want to leave the den... And...? The words just kept pouring from his mouth, little fears being expressed.

?I just want to share things with you... Experiences in the world... Because they make me happy and I want you to be happy to. It makes me sad that you?re here all the time... Like you might be missing out on things...? Finally F?licien would lift his head, ears lowering as a whine left him. ?We?re not gonna drift apart, are we?? He had always been close to his twin... But it seemed already their paths were pulling them in different directions. The poor boy, for one so young, already had a lot of fears and worries on his mind. Not that it helped with their mother being a bit more absent lately.