
What Is Meant To Be Must Be



05-03-2014, 02:44 PM

Wolves no longer seeked entry by the day on Ebony borders, the hype of the new kingdom had died down. They where once small, but now? They had atleast 30 members. Pride was an understatement. Raisa had made Ebony successful and Vaughan was happy that he could be an important part of it. He would sigh, the free time that he has been provided rather strange... though not necessarily a bad thing. He needed more of it now and again. A call would pierce through the air, aiming straight for the ebony cloaked lord. Triangular ears that lay atop of his large crown would swivel, before travelling towards the call which was located in the Rock Garden. Large paws would skim the surface of the hardened earth, each step bringing him closer towards Akemi. The pitch was clear, straight away he knew it was the woman he met from outside of the borders. What was bothering her?

The question wouldnt be held for long, he knew he'd be finding the reason today; something felt..of. Once catching sight of her Vaughan would make his way over swiftly, a smile pressing against his thin lips, his eyes appearing soft and calm like most days. His silken tail would flick idly at his heels before nodding. " Akemi, what is the matter?" He was currently approaching from behind, soon coming close to her side before turning to face her. " I havent seen much of you lately, is there something wrong?" Vau had taking quite a liking upon her, though he had met her only a few times. His crown would raise in suspicion, before sitting... waiting for answers.

image by Luisiana