
The Dancing Queen



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-03-2014, 04:20 PM
Erani Adravendi

She padded gracefully across the plains, tail swaying gently behind her, ears swiveling to catch the sounds around her as she made her way to a particular point in the plains. It was where she held meetings, and one of the designated sparring arenas that she had set for the pack, those they could choose anywhere to spar if they wished. Soon enough, her daughter would call a battle training session, the first of many to follow. Just because she had settled a peace treaty with Glaciem did not mean she trusted the northern pack. Sendoa was one thing, but Isardis was another. He was not a trustworthy wolf, in her opinion. And Valhalla would be ready should her suspicions be proved correct.

That meant she must step up in her own training. Or get a secondary who was stronger in a battle than she herself could be. She was old, but she wasn?t stupid to think she could hold up in a pitched battle on her own. Her tail flicked slightly. Sarak had departed after the meeting, just yesterday morning, to collect Soren and Kismet. Azalea had returned home. Meili and Gael were back. Ashtoreth was pregnant. So much had happened, and thus far, it was all good things. Valhalla was gaining in size and strength. It had allies and rogue friends. That wasn?t to say it was unstoppable. Nothing was unstoppable.

Her paws fell upon the bare earth before the boulder that was her seat and that of the Betas, and she turned, stretching lengthily. When each muscle was loose and warmed up, she shook herself, then cocked her head to the sky, singing a challenge to her pack. To meet her in a spar, and see what they were made of. Her call echoed across the land, dying away as her head lowered, body falling into a balanced, light stance. She was a light wolf in manner of attacking, preferring to move a bit more than her brother did. She hit hard in a silent charge, using surprise and her size and weight as a battering ram. Sarak was more of a cloak and dagger male, from his training in his birth pack. She had watched her daughter spar with her brother, and her nephews.

She had high hope for her pack, and she would enjoy getting to know how the rest of them fought.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think