
Interesting Notifications, My King


05-03-2014, 05:12 PM

Seeing as a wolf from Glaciem lands would soon approach the dark appearing brute. Blue orbs would look forward to the briskly moving figure whilst his nose would twtich to allow scents to be detected and recognized. Seeing the wolf as female, Fen would simply await for her to say anything.

"You're treading dangerously close to the king's territory, stranger. I hope your reasoning is to join our superior kingdom?" Words would escape from her maw as ears would perk to listen intently on her words, Fen's head tilting slightly. Soon, he would speak to address himself and allow her the comfort of knowing why he would reside so close to the borders. "I am Fen Darekson, and yes I have come to join the Glaciem pack in hopes of serving it to my best ability," he would speak with his masculine voice, mischievous and young eyes practically blinking. Towering pillars and buff shoulders would show that he would be a perfect weapon if trained properly. In fact, Fen actually did have a hint of blood lust despite his will to remain free from bounty. Soon, the male would only await for further questioning, assuming that she'd need to know what he would be good at and what he could suffer from.