
White as snow- black as shadows

Gargoyle I


04-28-2013, 02:40 PM


(ooc: I?m going on the assumption that Cifer has already discussed things with Gargie, cuz they be tight brother-in-laws and all that ;) If either of you would prefer to play it a different way, just lemme know and I?ll edit the post)

?Mind if I come along?? a voice rumbled from within the cave.

Out into the cold daylight stepped a wolf with the dimensions of a young bear. Gargoyle stretched himself like a cat before coming to his full height and stepping off the lip of stone and onto the forest floor. His yellow dragon eyes roved about his kingdom before settling on the stranger. ?You must be Awaken.? Gargoyle said with a nod of greeting. ?Cifer told me of you.? He sent a yellow glance in his Lead Brave?s direction. This was the crazy, sleep deprived lost one? Well he didn?t seem so lost now. In fact he?d found himself a rabbit.

Gargoyle would leave the morsel for someone else ? perhaps one of the expecting females. He had other things on his mind.

?I?d been meaning to speak with you, Cifer,? Gargoyle said, lowering his voice. ?The warm weather has brought unwanted visitors. I found boar tracks in the southeasten fringe of our forest.? Nasty things. They tore up woods, chased off prey and the males were always happy to kill any small thing that got in their path. With pups on the way ? Gargoyle didn?t need to explain how imperative it was that the monsters be eradicated.

And he was perfectly ready to get started. Cifer might be old, but he was Gargoyle?s Lead Brave and had proved himself a dozen times over, with him at his side, Gargoyle was ready to take on the world. Plus it?d be interesting to see how the rookie handled himself.

?You in the mood for big game hunting, Cifer?? Gargoyle?s voice, usually so unaffected, adopted an almost jovial air to it. ?And about you stranger? Care to see some tusks as big as your head??


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~