
What Is Meant To Be Must Be


05-03-2014, 06:35 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
Akemi would meet Vaughan?s gaze, letting a little sigh, audible only to herself, as he approached. She honestly felt bad about what she was about to do... To request to leave Ebony. Honestly... She had really hoped to find a place here... She had enjoyed her encounters with Vaughan, even if it was only a couple times. She would try to give a smile when he approached her, but it was a sad one. Goodbye... It was hard. But... She had made her choice. She belonged with Hati... And she was going to follow the path her brother had chosen.

?Vaughan...? She would turn her head to him, waiting until he came to a stop. His question made her feel endlessly guilty... And the fae would lower her red gaze to the ground. ?I?m sorry... I... I guess I just couldn?t find my place with Ebony. I ran into one of my brothers not long ago... And... I know I can?t keep lying to myself. I?m meant to stay by his side... And... He?s part of another pack... So... To be fair to Ebony and myself... I wish to request permission to leave.? The fae would lift her gaze then, frowning as she looked to Vaughan... And hoping he would be able to forgive her.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say