
as the animal kings breathe their terror upon you


05-03-2014, 08:06 PM

Thick liquid would bubble in a black pit. Heat would radiate from it, the light cast by it scattering randomly about the cavern. Stalactites and stalagmites alike would block the heat and sun from the magma, as a russet wolf would explore this lit cave. The ground beneath all reddish brown paws would burn at the skin, so his pillars would work to lead him away from the cauldron of fire. Opposite of the scarred man would be a slowly falling pillar of the same liquid, emptying into the pit. Lime eyes would glint as a gas burp would bubble from the magma and burst into a small bloom of flame. Sparks of flame would ignite as gases reacted within the magma, and the man would adore it all. "Precis som helvetet sj?lvt. Alltid eld och hat."

His stubbed tail would lower slightly as the man would rejoice at his discovery and lie down, head between paws to enjoy this strange source of heat. It appeared to be the same as fire, but much hotter and in the form of a liquid. Liquid fire it seemed. Lime gaze would shift between each stalagmite as he would stand back up. Reddish brown pillars would work to lead the man toward the cauldron of fire once more as he would inhale the scent. "Aska, eld, sten. En s?dan s?t harmoni f?r strid."
