
Steel Magnolias


04-28-2013, 05:10 PM

OOC / Those who wish to be a part of the sparring may show up. Starsight and I will pair wolves from Ludicael with wolves from Seracia. If the numbers are not even we will sort that out as well. Let the sparring commence! Also, spars must be no longer than four rounds and need to be completed as soon as possible. Each spar will take place in it's own separate thread for ease of reading/judging. This is only the gathering portion of the sparring event, and then the wolves will reconvene after the spars are through to celebrate.

IC / A howl rang out, this one echoing from the same place as the first. He was calling those of two packs, Seracia and Ludicael, to alert them to the beginning of the first - and only - competition to be held in Seracia. It had been decided between the two monarchs that one event in each land would be for the best, and so Seracia had chosen the sparring, and Ludicael the fishing. The King was confident the knights of Seracia would be eager to participate. As the howl tapered off he tilted his head to the side, glancing at Jupiter who stood nearby. They had seen every main part of the territory, and had been able to catch up in the time that had been allowed. But now it was time for business, the King only hoped Seracia was as eager as he was.


Image by Ruelle.