
I don't want to wake up on my own anymore



05-03-2014, 09:00 PM

The moment the other caught his scent and sight, he would know it. He could see the ripple of alarm that ran through as an almost visible tremor. Frozen, as one in need of assessing the situation before any decisions could be made. He stayed still, kept himself fairly neutral and un-aggressive as she made her assessment of him. The paw would slowly hesitantly to the ground and he had a feeling his attempts to look non-threatening had fallen short. Perhaps she was simply unaccustomed to intruders against what could well be 'her' land.

Her voice would stretch out before them, breaking the airy silence of her hesitant movement and his stillness. It would falter, and creak as she uttered something undecipherable before them. She would try again, finishing the first word she had tried to utter in clearer tones. It was a greeting, abid a strange one called out over the distance before them. Uncertain how to ensure her he meant no harm, he would incline his own head her way. ?And Hello to you, ma'am" he murmured, his voice soft and oddly sedud.

He made no move to go forward, afraid she would turn and vanish once more into the trees like some strange ghost. Suddenly, he couldn't bare the thought of being left alone again, his thoughts where an untrustworthy herd galloping storms across his mind. He felt oddly ashamed of his behaviour, of his flea from Valhalla territory. His shoulders would droop slightly at the path his thoughts where taking. Had it truly been as he had seen? He had not waited to find out. Besides... if it was, why would he be so unhappy as to deny Twig a piece of happiness in her broken world? He could feel his mentality wilting in shame, but he tried not to let his inner heartbreaks show. He would clear his voice softly, eyes still upon her form. ?Am I.. intruding?? he would ask, the uncertainty of his thoughts dripping into his tones.
